“But otherwise if it’s just an issue of somebody [using the drug to have] a crazy mind, that’s not good.”
Monday February 01st 2016
“But otherwise if it’s just an issue of somebody [using the drug to have] a crazy mind, that’s not good.”
Publication Date: September 15th, 2011
This invention relates to the use of phytocannabinoids, either in an isolated form or in the form of a botanical drug substance (BDS), as a prophylactic or in the treatment of cancer. Typically the cancer to be treated is a cancer of the: prostate, breast, skin, glioma, colon, lung or a bone or lymph metastasis. The phytocannabinoids may be used in combination with other cancer treatments.
Check out page 39 in the Fourth issue of The Hemp Connoisseur.
Check out Page 39
Imagine wearing a mask just to go through you day, just to breathe. Dirt grit perpetually in your teeth and covering your windows with sheets and blankets in a futile attempt to stop the dirt from sifting into your home and food becomes scarce on the shelves at the supermarket. Breathing, eating a meal, and walking the dog, are no longer simple, but moment to moment challenges.
This has happened, for eight years during the 1930’s, after decades of extensive farming without crop rotation and other mitigation techniques, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Nebraska were ground zero for the Dust Bowl. It came in a yellowish-brown cloud from the South and in a black blizzard from the North, causing major economic, ecological and agricultural damage to American and Canadian farmlands.
As of July 1st, 2012, Colorado is now moving forward with the Industrial Hemp Remediation Pilot Program, HB12-1099.
Phytoremediation (from the Ancient Greek φυτο (phyto, plant), and Latin remedium (restoring balance or
remediation) describes the treatment of environmental problems (bioremediation) through the use of plants that mitigate the environmental problem without the need to excavate the contaminant material and dispose of it elsewhere.
Phytoremediation consists of mitigating pollutant concentrations in contaminated soils, water, or air, with plants able to contain, degrade, or eliminate metals, pesticides, solvents, explosives, crude oil and its derivatives, and various other contaminants from the media that contain them.
The data collected from the non-drug hemp remediation pilot program will help determine the economic impact of the changes in the ecosystem and their benefit. With the policy change of researching non-drug hemp and its impact on the ecosystem, the changes in ecosystem services and thus the impacts on human welfare will determine the programs effectiveness. The Mechanism of transport is in the root zone, starting in the rhizosphere area in the soil.
Economic Potentials of the pilot program include:
• increase the usable land area for agriculture; restore proper pH balance in the soil and water
• improved hunting, bird watching and fishing habitats
• Flood attenuation (uS$ 772/ per acre)
• industrial and domestic wastewater treatment (uS$ 265/ per acre per year).
• Co2 Sequestering: (a damage cost of uS $10 per ton of carbon per year)
• H2o remediation of pharmaceutical contamination
• Phytoremediation costs 5% to 10% vs. landfill costs
• 90% reduction in waste volume
• 90% to 95% reduction in metals from water
• less Surface disturbance
• Wildfire mitigation and stabilization of soils
Why Hemp?
• low Water use (12”-15” and up per year, depending on the use of the crop)
• low to Zero Pesticide and Hebicide requirements
• Hemp Kills Noxious Weeds
• High Metals uptake
• High Survival Tolerance
• erosion Mitigation
• More Studies Needed
The Pilot Program would specifically:
• Create a set of data that would determine the effective remediation capacities of hemp
• demonstrate that hemp can aid in improving soil conditions for the production of food crops
• demonstrate the economic potentials for using hemp in remediation projects
• demonstrate that hemp can remediate contaminants from water and air
“I didn’t care if I died – I was completely insane.”
That’s what 23-year-old Daniel Chong told reporters after he was abandoned in his cell for 5 days after a 4/20 Drug Enforcement Agency raid at UC San Diego.1 Handcuffed, alone and forgotten in a windowless, 5×10′ room without food or water, (Read More and DO Something about this)
To the Editor:
In a recent press release opposing legislation to allow farmers to grow industrial hemp, the White House drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, has shown a stunning ignorance about the plant, stating ”all parts of the plant, including hemp, can contain THC (a psychoactive ingredient in marijuana), a Schedule I controlled substance.” In the world of scientific reality, the amounts of THC found in industrial hemp – even in the flowers – are so minute as to be meaningless. But the amounts of THC found in hemp fiber are so low as to be undetectable, which is why hemp fiber products are legal in the United States.
A few examples of the usefulness of industrial hemp are in order. Because of its resistance to degrading, American hemp was the best product for ship’s ropes and rigging during our American Revolution and financed a large part of it. The oil from pressed hemp seeds is both nutritious (highest plant source of omega-3 fatty acids) and can be used as a diesel biofuel. The resultant seed cake rivals soy as a protein source and has essential amino acids. The long fibers from the plant make an excellent source for fabric and high-grade paper (the original drafts of our Constitution were made from hemp paper). The rest of the biomass can be used as a nutritious animal feedstock. It has a thick root system with a taproot over three feet long, markedly lessening desertification (soil loss/runoff). Finally, since the biochemistry of the plant kingdom differs, the hemp plant does better with increasing ultraviolet radiation (think ozone hole), the rice plant does not, making hemp seed cakes a much more valuable nutrition source as we advance into the 21st century.
However, Kerelikowske also said ”America’s farmers deserve our nation’s help and support to ensure rural America’s prosperity and vitality.”
Every other industrial nation allows hemp farming. In a time of economic recession, we should be promoting industrial hemp for its economic potential, especially since the American climate is very suitable for producing high quality hemp and the world market is growing.
The simplest and most effective way to start this economic progress is to completely remove hemp from the federal Drug Enforcement Administration drug Schedule I, which prohibits it. This change could be made immediately by a presidential order to the DEA drug czar.
I remember President Obama campaigning on effective change. The time to start is now.
Gene Tinelli
February 13, 2012
Today, there was a hearing for the House Committee on Local Government for HB12-1099 the “Phytoremediation Hemp Remediation Pilot Program” Bill, sponsored by Representative Wes McKinley (D) and Representative Jerry Sonnenberg (D) to give testimony for the Bill. Erik Hunter, Jason Lauve and Lynda Parker as well as Rep. Wes McKinley gave their testimony about the economic, environmental and social impacts of this test program for hemp.
After over an hour of questions, a unanimous vote of the 11 Colorado State Representatives to refer the Bill unamended to the Appropriations Committee.
With a deadline looming at the end of this month in the most dramatic federal-state showdown yet in Colorado over marijuana, a state lawmaker has proposed a bill that would raise another cannabis clash.
Rep. Wes McKinley, D-Walsh, has introduced a bill to study using the growing of industrial hemp to clean polluted soil, a process known as phytoremediation. McKinley said there is some evidence that hemp plants can suck toxic substances out of the ground.
(Read More…)
John Ingold: 303-954-1068 or jingold@denverpost.com
Read more: Hemp bill in Colorado legislature risks more headaches with feds – The Denver Post http://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_19873580#ixzz1lFTWi8uG
“…or other area or premises that is accessible to the public, or within any private dwelling that is accessible to the public…” (PDF here)
Is your center accessible to the public? No
Is your center within a private dwelling? No
Colorado Revised Statues: Title 18 Professions and Occupations Article 18 Uniform Controlled Substances Act of 1992
18-18-407. Special offender (II)(B)(2)(a) states the following:
(2) (a) A defendant shall be a special offender if the defendant is convicted of selling, distributing, possessing with intent to distribute, manufacturing, or attempting to manufacture any controlled substance in violation of section 18-18-405 either within or upon the grounds of any public or private elementary, middle, junior high, or high school, vocational school, or public housing development, or within one thousand feet of the perimeter of any such school or public housing development grounds on any street, alley, parkway, sidewalk, public park, playground, or other area or premises that is accessible to the public, or within any private dwelling that is accessible to the public for the purpose of the sale, distribution, use, exchange, manufacture, or attempted manufacture of controlled substances in violation of this article, or in any school bus as defined in section 42-1-102 (88), C.R.S., while such school bus is engaged in the transportation of persons who are students at any public or private elementary, middle, junior high, or high school. The court is required in addition to imposing the sentence to imprisonment in the department of corrections required by subsection (1) of this section, to fine the defendant without suspension at least twice the minimum fine provided for in section 18-1.3-401 (1)
Hello fellow pioneer,
By now you know about the feds cracking down on centers within 1000’ of schools.
ACT4CO is getting into this fight on behalf of our patients and our members. Whether or not you are directly affected, this impacts are whole industry. Just because you have not received a letter does not mean you are home free.
The federal district attorney’s office has said that this is only the first wave, so don’t look at it as competition being eliminated….you may be next. The reason I say this is that in addtion to schools, in California, the feds have identified parks and public pools as other zones with 1,000’ restrictions. Here is a direct quote from section 860 of the U.S. code:
So, as you might imagine, the feds are likely to try and chew us up in small bites. 23 centers doesn’t sound like a lot to the general public, and if they do this over and over again, they will reduce our numbers over time to the point where they can go after everyone at once. They can’t do it very well at the moment because of our large numbers.
This is a beachead. If we don’t put up a fight for “the targeted 23” here, then they will push forward with another round, and another until they whittle us down to nothing. I am reminded of the famous quote from Martin Niemoller about the Nazis:
ACT4CO is participating with other local, state and national industry organizations such as CBA, Colorado Springs Medical Cannabis Council, MMBA, Vicente Consulting, MMIG, NCIA,DPA, MPP, SSDP, and various MMJ lawyers to respond to this threat to our patients and businesses. It is our contention that this unilateral move on the part of John Walsh is not in conformance with the policy Attorney General Holder stated in last month’s congressional testimony. We will be working on three fronts, legal, political, and public relations. You will see a joint press release coming out soon.
We urge you to come to the MMBA meeting on 1/19 at Casselmans to learn more about this threat and potential responses in the legal, political and public relations arenas.
If you or a center you know has received a letter, please have them contact Josh Kappel atVicente Consulting) is taking the lead on pulling people together to fight this. They need to see as many of the letters as possible so they can figure out what (if any) differences there may be between the letters and to see what the commonalities are. This is needed to try to divine the direction of the federal district attorney and develop a response.
Nicholas King, President
Debi Brazzale
Jan 13th, 2012
Colorado Representative Wes McKinley
Planting fields of hemp to absorb toxins in contaminated soil is a concept worth looking at, said two rural lawmakers at the Capitol today.