CU Boulder has been the location for the 4/20 right to use Cannabis protests for years and now they want to violate our Constitutionally protected Rights.
This is a quote pulled from the Denver Post yesterday: (link)

DP used this picture of the American Flag, which is appropriate.
Those not affiliated with CU-Boulder will not be permitted on campus and face tickets for trespassing. Those cited for trespassing face punishment of up to six months in jail and a $750 fine. District Attorney Stan Garnett has discussed April 20 enforcement operations with CU Police officials. His office will handle the prosecution of those who receive tickets. “As always, the District Attorney’s Office will work to support the efforts of the CU Police Department,” Garnett said.”
This is only weeks after Boulder D.A Stan Garnett sent U.S. Attorney John Walsh a letter that sent a very different and encouraging message. In the letter, Garnett recommended law enforcement focus instead on “terrorism, serious economic crime, organized crime and serious drug dealing (involving significant amounts of heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine).”
The threats are now directed back at We The People for walking on CU Boulder’s campus, an activity the public has participated in since the campus opened as a public institution in 1877. This is a direct attack on our Rights and must be confronted with truth and education.
It is strange how law enforcement has stepped up their threats and how they refuse to protect the will of the people, especially as we head towards November’s elections and a vote to possibly legalize Cannabis in Colorado. This is a free speech issue and 420 is a protest expressing the problems with Cannabis prohibition.
Stan Garnett may be doing his job and we must do ours, this is still a movement and that movement requires WE THE PEOPLE to stand up and protest against what is inherently wrong and stand up for that which is in our best interests.
America is amazing because we have the right to express our individual beliefs in regards to our health, religion and in regards to using Cannabis as we choose, among so many other areas. Remove the government from our bodies and lifestyles!
Stan Garnett sent me a Facebook message, “The issues with 4/20 are public safety/public order issues, not use of marijuana issues. I think the whole 4/20 event is counterproductive to the legalization effort, but we will treat whatever tickets we get individually and on a case by case basis.”
This is not about my personal opinion of the legalization effort, it is about the right of WE THE PEOPLE to protest. I agree that public safety is a very important issue and should be handled as such. These include simple services such as access to bathrooms and first aid as well as peace officers stationed in places where people can get help if they need it, among other things. In past years of the 420 protest, there have been few safety/public order issues and the closure is unwarranted.
In fact, the response of CU Police could result in a riot. With a potential attendance of over 15,000 people and the probability that police will violate people’s Rights, the likelihood of problems is increased substantially.
There are quite a few problems with what CU Police are threatening to do. Many people walk through CU Boulder as it is right in the middle of the city, do they are they going to be given tickets for trespassing? Sounds like unfair treatment and use of a law.
At this point, if you get a ticket, take it to court and fight it. Unfortunately this will cost the city quite a bit of money either way. Keep in mind we have a weak economy and the city will do what they can to take more from you. One person said that this is another way to extort more money from the public.
Stan Garnett did respond to my request for an interview and we are aiming to meet this week. I plan to address the communication with John Walsh as well as the situation that is being created by the 420 events in Boulder. I am hoping a positive relationship, between the city and the people, can result from this years protest.
CU Boulder should retract this IMMEDIATELY, before the police create a situation where a riot may start. Try working with us as people and things will get better instead of worse. Government control is too totalitarian at this time and WE THE PEOPLE must STAND UP to protect our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!
From what I understand, the government is not allowed to discriminate against activities due to the controversial content of the message. If we demonstrate that similar events have been allowed in the past, in which their was city involvement, that can be used as precedence, and that the government is involved in selective enforcement.
Please write letters NOW to the media demanding a retraction of the 420 articles and that a CORRECTION is printed saying this is a CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED PROTEST!