Monday July 30th at 10:00am there is going to be a protest in front of the El Paso County D.A.’s office in Colorado Springs for D.A. Dan May and his prosecutors.
105 E. Vermijo
Colorado Springs, Co

On Monday July 30 at 10am, C4CPR and it’s Supporters will hold a rally in front of D.A Dan Mays office. Previously, I had sent letters to Barbara Miller, Dan May, the Chief of Police and our local VNI” regarding its policies and procedures towards cannabis patients and businesses. I have yet to hear from Barbara Miller and Dan May to this date. I received the typical responses from VNI. The citizens of Colorado Springs would like to send a message to Dan and his department regarding blatant harassment of patients and businesses that are within the laws set forth in our Constitution!
Our D.A. and the C.S.P.D. use scare tactics and excessive force to maliciously prosecute those that are operating under the law. The cost to the taxpayers is unknown, however according to C.B.I., El Paso County has the HIGHEST (no pun intended) number of MMJ cases being brought before the court system in the state!
Why is Dan May trying to prosecute those within the law? The main reason being, Dan has his sights set on Attorney General. Using scare tactics to get patients to take a plea is a win for him. Those that are not fazed, take their cases to trial and win. Those that are given misinformation by the department have been scared into taking a plea deal when it wasn’t necessary. It’s no secret about Dan’s views on MMJ, in fact he has went so far as to pad the truth and flat out lie at hearings regarding MMJ.
We demand that Dan May and his Department, READ and FOLLOW the laws in OUR state regarding MMJ patient and business rights. We demand actual investigation when accusations towards patients and businesses arise, as in Chuck Balls case. We demand that training and education of the C.S.P.D. and the D.A.s office regarding the local MMJ laws take place immediately! Hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars are being wasted each day bringing those within the law before the courts. This must STOP NOW! Concentrate on the REAL CRIMINALS AND LEAVE US ALONE!!!
We have several activists and supporters in the state joining us for next weeks rally and we are very grateful to them all!
C4CPR is a Colorado Springs based cannabis non-profit founded by Audrey Hatfield in 2010. For more information:
Audrey Hatfield
President C4CPR