Category Archives: Culture
The Drug Czar’s False Statement About Marijuana and Hemp Should Be a Bigger Scandal
Scott Morgan
Associate Editor, find
In response to an decease I’ve finally received a response from Obama’s Drug Czar, Gil Kerlikowske, explaining why we can’t let American farmers grow industrial hemp. It’s written in rather plain language, but nonetheless betrays either appalling ignorance or rank dishonesty on the part of our nation’s top drug policy official.
Unfortunately, while President Obama’s misleading claims about medical marijuana policy have generated considerable attention, the drug czar’s recent comments about hemp have gone almost entirely unnoticed and unreported. This is his entire response right here (which apparently took many months to prepare):
OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE TO Allow Industrial Hemp to be Grown in the U.S. Once AgainWhat We Have to Say About Marijuana and Hemp Production
By Gil KerlikowskeThe drug czar oddly begins by declaring that, “federal law prohibits human consumption, distribution, and possession of Schedule I controlled substances,” which is simply irrelevant in the context of hemp. Hemp isn’t a Schedule I controlled substance and it can legally be consumed, distributed and possessed in a variety of forms. The soap I use every day is made of it, and you can buy hemp foods at any grocery store without fear of arrest. The drug czar’s failure to even acknowledge this basic fact makes his statement terribly confusing in its entirety, but it actually gets worse.
The central issue here, and the whole point of the petition, is that the DEA won’t let American farmers grow hemp for the purpose of manufacturing the various legal products that are made from it. As a result, all hemp products in the U.S. are made from imported hemp, eliminating a lucrative economic opportunity for American farmers. Instead of explaining why that is, the drug czar persists in blurring the distinction between hemp and pot, even implying that hemp can get you high:
While most of the THC in cannabis plants is concentrated in the marijuana, all parts of the plant, including hemp, can contain THC, a Schedule I controlled substance.
Here, the drug czar implies that hemp and marijuana are separate parts of the same individual plant, as if to suggest that allowing hemp cultivation would require that psychoactive marijuana be produced as a byproduct. This is false. Though both are types of cannabis, the hemp plant is genetically different from marijuana plants that produce the drug. In other words, the plant that’s used to make soap won’t get you high, and the plant that gets you high isn’t used to make soap. This is basic stuff, but the drug czar’s statement mischaracterizes it to the point of complete incoherence.
Follow Scott Morgan on Twitter:
Replace ignorant prosecutors and judges By educated and rational people
The law is wrong to not “allow” Mr. Forchion a medical defense, salve that Cannabis (marijuana) is a plant and has healing properties,which can not be denied by an ignorant prosecutor or judge, this is ridiculous. Cannabis is a G*D given plant, get these ignorant prosecutors and judges replaced by educated and rational people. Mr. Forchion is one of the last of the true Americans who stand up for their rights! GO WEEDMAN!
Prosecutor: NJWeedman is a “charlatan … a wolf in hemp clothing”
(want to guess the Burlington County Assistant Prosecutor Michael Luciano is a racist.)
Is Colorado University of Boulder Violating Constitution? Looks Like It!
CU Boulder has been the location for the 4/20 right to use Cannabis protests for years and now they want to violate our Constitutionally protected Rights.
This is a quote pulled from the Denver Post yesterday: (link)
Those not affiliated with CU-Boulder will not be permitted on campus and face tickets for trespassing. Those cited for trespassing face punishment of up to six months in jail and a $750 fine. District Attorney Stan Garnett has discussed April 20 enforcement operations with CU Police officials. His office will handle the prosecution of those who receive tickets. “As always, healing the District Attorney’s Office will work to support the efforts of the CU Police Department,” Garnett said.”
This is only weeks after Boulder D.A Stan Garnett sent U.S. Attorney John Walsh a letter that sent a very different and encouraging message. In the letter, Garnett recommended law enforcement focus instead on “terrorism, serious economic crime, organized crime and serious drug dealing (involving significant amounts of heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine).”
The threats are now directed back at We The People for walking on CU Boulder’s campus, an activity the public has participated in since the campus opened as a public institution in 1877. This is a direct attack on our Rights and must be confronted with truth and education.
It is strange how law enforcement has stepped up their threats and how they refuse to protect the will of the people, especially as we head towards November’s elections and a vote to possibly legalize Cannabis in Colorado. This is a free speech issue and 420 is a protest expressing the problems with Cannabis prohibition.
Stan Garnett may be doing his job and we must do ours, this is still a movement and that movement requires WE THE PEOPLE to stand up and protest against what is inherently wrong and stand up for that which is in our best interests.
America is amazing because we have the right to express our individual beliefs in regards to our health, religion and in regards to using Cannabis as we choose, among so many other areas. Remove the government from our bodies and lifestyles!
Stan Garnett sent me a Facebook message, “The issues with 4/20 are public safety/public order issues, not use of marijuana issues. I think the whole 4/20 event is counterproductive to the legalization effort, but we will treat whatever tickets we get individually and on a case by case basis.”
This is not about my personal opinion of the legalization effort, it is about the right of WE THE PEOPLE to protest. I agree that public safety is a very important issue and should be handled as such. These include simple services such as access to bathrooms and first aid as well as peace officers stationed in places where people can get help if they need it, among other things. In past years of the 420 protest, there have been few safety/public order issues and the closure is unwarranted.
In fact, the response of CU Police could result in a riot. With a potential attendance of over 15,000 people and the probability that police will violate people’s Rights, the likelihood of problems is increased substantially.
There are quite a few problems with what CU Police are threatening to do. Many people walk through CU Boulder as it is right in the middle of the city, do they are they going to be given tickets for trespassing? Sounds like unfair treatment and use of a law.
At this point, if you get a ticket, take it to court and fight it. Unfortunately this will cost the city quite a bit of money either way. Keep in mind we have a weak economy and the city will do what they can to take more from you. One person said that this is another way to extort more money from the public.
Stan Garnett did respond to my request for an interview and we are aiming to meet this week. I plan to address the communication with John Walsh as well as the situation that is being created by the 420 events in Boulder. I am hoping a positive relationship, between the city and the people, can result from this years protest.
CU Boulder should retract this IMMEDIATELY, before the police create a situation where a riot may start. Try working with us as people and things will get better instead of worse. Government control is too totalitarian at this time and WE THE PEOPLE must STAND UP to protect our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!
From what I understand, the government is not allowed to discriminate against activities due to the controversial content of the message. If we demonstrate that similar events have been allowed in the past, in which their was city involvement, that can be used as precedence, and that the government is involved in selective enforcement.
Please write letters NOW to the media demanding a retraction of the 420 articles and that a CORRECTION is printed saying this is a CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED PROTEST!
Contact: Joe Hunter
Calls Obama Crack-Down Harrassment
April 3, ampoule DC – Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, seeking the Libertarian Presidential nomination, today assailed the Obama Administration for ” a systematic crack-down on medical marijuana as allowed by state law”. Johnson said the Obama Administration’s action was contrary to the President’s assurances on the issue in 2008 and a memo released by his Justice Department two years ago.
Responding to searches conducted Monday by federal agents of the home and business of a long-time Oakland, CA, marijuana legalization advocate, Johnson called on the Obama Administration to “find better things to do with our tax dollars than raiding Richard Lee’s home in a selective enforcement of bad law.”
Monday morning, federal agents executed search warrants at the home of Richard Lee, a well-known advocate for marijuana legalization in California, and at an Oakland cannabis industry trade school Lee founded. The school, as well as Lee’s other medical marijuana businesses, are operated in accordance with California law and local ordinances. Monday’s searches appear to be part of an on-going effort by the government to assert federal enforcement against California’s medical marijuana laws.
Johnson, a vocal advocate for drug law reform, said, “It defies belief that, at the very same time that President Obama is standing in the Rose Garden with the President of Mexico talking about efforts to reduce drug-related violence, his federal agents are harassing a respected advocate for sensible drug law reform by raiding his home and business and ‘detaining’ him for questioning. Richard Lee isn’t the problem. Failed marijuana prohibition is the problem, and making an ‘example’ of a citizen who is operating within state and local law is not only offensive, but a massive waste of law enforcement time and money.
“It wasn’t enough to send in the DEA and the U.S. Marshals. They felt compelled to send the Internal Revenue Service in as well. The voters of California have made it clear that they regard medical marijuana, regulated and dispensed in a safe manner, to be acceptable in their communities. Do the Feds not have more pressing responsibilities than to persecute those, like Richard Lee, who are simply trying to provide a service those communities have clearly said they want?
“I would like to think America is not a place where the federal police come knocking on the doors of legitimate businesses and private homes just to ‘enforce’ laws that make no sense and to shut down private enterprises that are, in fact, reducing harm and offering an alternative to the dangers of the illegal drug trade.”
For more information regarding Governor Johnson, please visit
About Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson: Gary Johnson, two-term Governor of New Mexico from 1994-2002, has been a consistent and outspoken advocate for limited, efficient government and personal liberty.
House of hemp? Pushing cannabis as a construction material
LA Times
L.A. at Home
March 24, 2012 | 10:53 am
Woody Harrelson championed the environmental benefits of hemp. Giorgio Armani and Calvin Klein incorporated it into their collections. Now a company promoting hemp as the eco-building material of the moment said it wants to build California’s first hemp house.
Hemp’s Notorious Cousin
This is a fun cartoon for all you hemp supporters.
written by Oliver Cowley, animated by Drew Toonz, produced by Patrick Furlotti for the Global Mana Foundation.
Follow Edward “NJ Weedman” Forcion across the US
NJweedman, activists, enlightening the public to JURY NULLIFICATION, and signing his book “Public Enemy #420″. Filming everything, we are calling this a ROADAMENTARY (Road/Documentary) titled: ” 6 MORE WEEKS OF FREEDOM or NOT?”.
The State of New Jersey, NJ Gov Christopher Christie wage a “ -) This is a David vs Golitah story for the modern ages. ( Citizen vs Government )
THE PROPOSED ROUTE AND ITERNIARY will be posted on this website – -, but the plan is to leave Los Angeles on March 20th, – If you live near one of these cities and want to help, or contribute please link up. ( BTW – NJWeedman will not be traveling with marijuana, so everyday he hopes to link up with a supporter or two who will smoke him out as he passes thru – ” NO SWAG”)
- MARCH 21st – Las Vegas The first stop will be to stop and hangout with Los Marijuanos and
- March 22nd – DENVER (Cannabis Health News Magazine)
- March 23 – Kansas City ( ???????NO PLANS YET)
- March 24 – St Loius ( ?????????? no PLANS YET)
- March 25 – Indianapolis (????????no PLANS YET)
- March 26 – Cincinatti ( Hanging out with the HAPPY HEMPTRESS – at HEMPROCK RADIO )
- March 27 – Arkon ( just gonna chill with some local supporters who invited me)
- March 28 – Pittsburg, Pa ( NORML CHAPTER – )
- March 29th – Carlisle Pa ( just gonna chill with some local supporters who invited me)
- March 30th – Philadelphia
- APRIL 1st – enter New Jersey ( exactly 2 years after the arrest that has led to this trial ) – The plan is to cross into New Jersey over the Trenton “Makes the World Takes” bridge in Trenton and drive to the Governors mansion “DRUMTHWACKET 354 Stockton Street Princeton, NJ 08540–4498 and call out the Governor!
- NJWeedman wants to publicly demand that the Governor impliment the Medical Marijuana Act and order the Burlington County Prosecutors Office to give “NJWeedman a Constitutionally FAIR TRIAL”
Phytoremediation Hemp Remediation Pilot Program Moves Forward
February 13, look 2012
Today, there was a hearing for the House Committee on Local Government for HB12-1099 the “Phytoremediation Hemp Remediation Pilot Program” Bill, sponsored by Representative Wes McKinley (D) and Representative Jerry Sonnenberg (D) to give testimony for the Bill. Erik Hunter, Jason Lauve and Lynda Parker as well as Rep. Wes McKinley gave their testimony about the economic, environmental and social impacts of this test program for hemp.
After over an hour of questions, a unanimous vote of the 11 Colorado State Representatives to refer the Bill unamended to the Appropriations Committee.
Please Fight to Save Safe Cannabis Access
medicine this was done in haste, I will re-format in a little while. Please read the letters, they are about the threats from the Feds.
We are asking to have everyone E-mail or fax (don’t use snail mail it takes too long) their letter out on January 25th, this Wednesday.
Here is the Contact list, and the letters are below:
President Barak Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone: 202.456.1111
Senator Michael Bennet
2300 15th St., Suite 450
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 202.224.5852
DC Fax: 202.228.5036
Senator Mark Udall
999 18th St., Suite 1525, North Tower
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: 202.224.5941
DC Fax: 202.224.6471
Go to: to send an email
Congresswoman Diana DeGette (Area: East Denver)
600 Grant Street, Suite 202
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 202.225.4431
DC Fax: 202.225.5657
Congressman Jared Polis (Area: Boulder & Central high country)
4770 Baseline Road, Suite 220
Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: 202.225.2161
DC Fax: 202.226.7840
Congresman Scott Tipton (R) (Area: Western Slope Pueblo & Southern CO)
2 West Main Street
Cortez, CO 81321
Phone: 202.225.4761
DC Fax: 202.226.9669
Congressman Cory Gardner (R) (Area: Eastern plains, Ft. Collins & Estes Park)
123 North College Avenue, Suite 220
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone: 202.225.4676
DC Fax: 202.225.5870
Congressman Doug Lamborn (R) (Area: CO Springs, Buena Vista, Salida)
1271 Kelly Johnson Boulevard, Suite 110
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: 202.225.4422
DC Fax: 202.226.2638
Congressman Mike Coffman (R) (Area: Centennial, Littleton, Highlands Ranch & Castle Rock)
9220 Kimmer Drive, Suite 220
Lone Tree, CO 80124
Phone: 202.225.7882
DC Fax: 202.226.4623
Congressman Ed Perlmutter (D) (Area: Denver, Thornton, Aurora, Brighton)
12600 W Colfax Ave., Suite B-400
Lakewood, CO 80215
Phone: 202.225.2645
DC Fax: 202.225.5278
PATIENTS, below is an email to send to your U.S. Senator or Congressperson.
January 23, 2012
[Insert appropriate Congressperson’s name and address]
I have been diagnosed with [state your condition] and am a Colorado medical cannabis patient. [describe how cannabis helps your condition] I am writing because of concern over the recent actions of U.S. Attorney John Walsh’s decision to force the closure of Medical Marijuana Centers in Colorado.
The voters of Colorado adopted a constitutional amendment to authorize the use of marijuana by adults for medicinal purposes. Our Genral Assembly has subsquently adopted the Colorado Medical Marijuana Code and established the Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division to supervise the production and distribution of cannabis. Under Colorado law, local governments have the authority to allow or ban medical marijuana centers and enact by ordinance zoning restrictions that meet the standards of their community.
The Department of Justice has indicated that using limited resources to prosecute indiviuals in compliance with State law would not be an enforcement priority. This message was re-affirmed by Attorney General Holder at the House Judiciary Committee’s Oversight Hearing on the United States Department of Justice on December 8, 2011. It would appear that the actions of Mr. Walsh to use his limited resources to intervene in local zoning is at best misguided and at worst in direct contradiction to the stated policy of the Department of Justice.
I am deeply concerned that the actions of the U.S. Attorney to shut down tightly regulated businesses will only increase the demand for marijuana from unegulated sources and empower street dealers who will target vunerable populations.
I am as concerned about children getting access to illicit drugs as Mr. Walsh and I’m sure you share this concern. The regulated and secure model of Medical Marijuana Centers is the best firewall against marijuana coming into the hands of minors.
I urge you to ask Mr. Walsh to act consistently with Mr. Holder’s statement to Congress and our shared commitment to keeping children safe and reducing crime. Colorado’s regulatory model has accomplished the goals of providing patient access while also creating jobs and revenues that our state has used to fund drug treatment programs. The goal of protecting children is best achieved by asking the Departement of Justice to continue the commitment it has made to honor the laws adopted by the people of the State of Colorado. After all, it is our local communitties that can best protect our schools from illicit drugs.
Sincerely yours,
Here is an alternative last paragraph if you do not want to sign your name:
Regrettably, I choose not to sign this letter out of fear of reprisal from the federal government. It is a sad day for our republic when Colorado citizens following Colorado law cannot exercise their right to openly seek redress of grievences from the U.S. government.
POSTED BY NICK | JANUARY 23, 2012, 9:21 PM
CANNABIS INDUSTRY EMPLOYEES, here is an email to send to your U.S. senators & congressperson on 1/25
January 23, 2012
[Insert appropriate Congressperson’s name and address]
I work in Colorado’s medical marijuana industry as [state your job] . I am writing because of concern over the recent actions of U.S. Attorney John Walsh’s decision to force the closure of Medical Marijuana Centers in Colorado. I fear that it is merely the first step in trying to eliminate the industry I’m working in.
Mr. Walsh’s actions and apparent intention puts at risk 800 local business and 8,000 to 10,000 Colorado jobs, and costing local governments millions in lost revenue. An industry survey revealed that over $400,000,000 has been contributed to Colorado’s economy by the medical marijuana industry and millions in state and local tax revenue.
In a time when jobs are scarce and over 15% of the workforce is out of work, the center I work for enables me to make a living wage and provide for myself and my family. It is grossly unfair to single out the medical cannabis industry over unsupported fears of diverting cannabis to our youth.
Colorado’s MMCs operate within the rules established by the state and are not a threat to children in the neighborhood. Children are not allowed in dispensaries and I have never seen any children hanging around the center. Under Colorado law, communities have the option to ban these businesses, but many communities have approved this business and issued them licenses to operate. If any business or person is ever caught selling marijuana to children, they will be criminally prosecuted by our local and state regulatory authorities in conjunction with the local District Attorney.
I am deeply concerned that the actions of the U.S. Attorney to shut down tightly regulated businesses will only increase the demand for marijuana from unegulated sources and empower street dealers who will target vunerable populations.
I am as concerned about children getting access to illicit drugs as Mr. Walsh and I’m sure you share this concern. The regulated and secure model of Medical Marijuana Centers is the best firewall against marijuana coming into the hands of minors..
In December, the U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, said about medical marijuana that “people acting in conformity with the (state) law would not be an enforcement priority for the Justice Department.” Mr. Walsh’s actions are in direct contradiction of the U.S. Attorney’s position.
I urge you to ask Mr. Walsh to act consistently with Mr. Holder’s statement to Congress and our shared commitment to keeping children safe and reducing crime. Colorado’s regulatory model has accomplished the goals of providing patient access while also creating jobs and revenues that our state has used to fund drug treatment programs. This will allow me to work and be a productive member of society.
Sincerely yours,
Here is an alternative last paragraph if you do not want to sign your name:
Regrettably, I choose not to sign this letter out of fear of reprisal from the federal government. It is a sad day for our republic when Colorado citizens following Colorado law cannot exercise their right to openly seek redress of grievences from the U.S. government.
POSTED BY NICK | JANUARY 23, 2012, 9:25 PM
MMC/MIP OWNERS, here is an email written from the owner point of view to send to your U.S. Senators & Congressperson:
January 23, 2012
[Insert appropriate representative’s name and address]
I am writing out of concern over the recent decision by Mr. John Walsh, the U.S. Attorney for Colorado, to target Colorado’s medical marijuana industry. I request that you ask Mr. Walsh to stop shutting down licensed Colorado businesses. Mr. Walsh’s actions are in direct contravention of President Obama’s campaign promises and Attorney General Eric Holder’s sworn statement to Congress on December 9, 2011 that “people acting in conformity with the (state) law would not be an enforcement priority for the Justice Department.”
Mr. Walsh is inappropriately applying a law (Title 21, US Code, Section 856(a)) which was designed to punish illegal street dealers operating near school. He is misusing this law to shut down lawful businesses that are operating with approval from the State of Colorado and their local communities. Medical Marijuana Centers are not public places. They only serve sick, adult patients who have been certified as such by their doctor in a bona fide doctor patient relationship. Mr. Walsh’s actions are drastically hurting the sickest and most vulnerable members of our community because these patients will no longer be able to obtain the medicine they need.
In addition, Mr. Walsh’s actions puts at risk 700 local business and 8,000 to 10,000 Colorado jobs, and will cost local governments millions in lost revenue. An industry survey revealed that over $400,000,000 has been contributed to Colorado’s economy by the medical marijuana industry and millions in state and local tax revenue.
Colorado has implemented a stringent, tightly regulated medical marijuana program to implement the will of the people as expressed in amendment 20, Colorado’s medical marijuana constitutional amendment. Our tightly regulated state licensing program – which passed with bipartisan support in our state legislature — permits local governments to decide where medical marijuana centers can be located including banning them altogether. Colorado is pioneering the development of a safe regulatory process for the production, distribution and sale of medicinal cannabis.
I am as concerned about children getting access to illicit drugs as Mr. Walsh and I’m sure you share this concern. The regulated and secure model of Medical Marijuana Centers is the best firewall against marijuana coming into the hands of minors.
A recent study of over 32,000 students presented to the American Public Health Association in 2011 found that “while marijuana use was common throughout the study period, there were no statistically significant differences in marijuana use [among youth] between states in any year.” Indeed, a recent report from Colorado Springs showed that school officials did not see any increase in cannabis consumption among students despite the presence of nearby medical marijuana centers. It is the illegal street dealers, not medical marijuana centers that we need to keep our children away from. These street dealers are the ones who lure children into using dangerous drugs. Medical marijuana business owners have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to build facilities and comply with state regulations and would not jeopardize that investment for a quick sale to a child.
Medical marijuana has widespread support across the country, with polls showing support as high as 80%. President Obama promised not to interfere with our state’s medical marijuana laws. If the president doesn’t hold true to his campaign promise, he is going have a hard time activating his base here in Colorado this time around. Colorado’s medical cannabis program is saving tax dollars spent on a failed cannabis prohibition program and generating new taxes that are being used to educate Colorado’s children and provide for the general welfare of its citizens.
If REPUBLICAN, use this instead. This might also be used with democrats.
Colorado is saving the tax money spent on a failed cannabis prohibition program and is generating millions in new taxes that are being used to educate Colorado’s children and provide for the general welfare of its citizens. Like other herbal medicines, medicinal cannabis is a substance that can and should be regulated by Colorado under the 10th amendment. This ensures that local communities and states have the opportunity to decide for themselves how they want to regulate the product rather than being dictated to by the federal government.
I respectfully request that you ask Mr. Walsh to stop this unwarranted attack on the right of Colorado to effectively regulate an industry operating wholly within the state of Colorado. Please protect our community from the overreach of the U.S. Attorney’s office.
Sincerely yours,
FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO SIGN A LETTER, consider this as your closing paragraph:
Regrettably, I choose not to sign this letter out of fear of reprisal from the federal government. It is a sad day for our republic when Colorado citizens following Colorado law cannot exercise their right to openly seek redress of grievances from the U.S. Government.
POSTED BY NICK | JANUARY 23, 2012, 9:28 PM
SUPPORTING BUSINESSES can use this letter to email to their U.S. Senators & Congressperson:
January 23, 2012
[Insert appropriate representative’s name and address]
I am writing because of concern over the recent actions of U.S. Attorney John Walsh’s decision to force the closure of many Medical Marijuana Centers in Colorado. Mr. Walsh’s actions are in direct contravention of President Obama’s campaign promises and Attorney General Eric Holder’s sworn statement to Congress on December 9, 2011 that “people acting in conformity with the (state) law would not be an enforcement priority for the Justice Department.”
Mr. Walsh is inappropriately applying a law (Title 21, US Code, Section 856(a)) which was designed to punish illegal street dealers operating near school. He is misusing this law to shut down lawful businesses that are operating with approval from the State of Colorado and their local communities. Medical Marijuana Centers are not public places. They only serve sick, adult patients who have been certified as such by their doctor in a bona fide doctor patient relationship. Mr. Walsh’s actions are hurting sick and vulnerable members of our community because these patients will no longer be able to obtain the medicine they need.
In addition, Mr. Walsh’s actions puts at risk 800 local business and 8,000 to 10,000 Colorado jobs, and costing local governments millions in lost revenue. An industry survey revealed that over $400,000,000 has been contributed to Colorado’s economy by the medical marijuana industry and millions in state and local tax revenue. My business is one of those that has benefited from the investments the cannabis industry has made in Colorado. [share something of the positive impact the MMJ industry has had on your business, ability to stay in business, jobs you have/keep, etc]
I am deeply concerned that the actions of the U.S. Attorney to shut down tightly regulated businesses will only increase the demand for marijuana from unegulated sources and empower street dealers who will target vunerable populations.
I am as concerned about children getting access to illicit drugs as Mr. Walsh and I’m sure you share this concern. The regulated and secure model of Medical Marijuana Centers is the best firewall against marijuana coming into the hands of minors.
A recent study of over 32,000 students presented to the American Public Health Association in 2011 found that “while marijuana use was common throughout the study period, there were no statistically significant differences in marijuana use [among youth] between states in any year.” Indeed, a recent report from Colorado Springs showed that school officials did not see any increase in cannabis consumption among students despite the presence of nearby medical marijuana centers. It is the illegal street dealers, not medical marijuana centers that we need to keep our children away from. These street dealers are the ones who lure children into using dangerous drugs. Medical marijuana business owners have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to build facilities and comply with state regulations and would not jeopardize that investment for a quick sale to a child.
Medical marijuana has widespread support across the country, with polls showing support as high as 80%. President Obama promised not to interfere with our state’s medical marijuana laws. If the president doesn’t hold true to his campaign promise, he is going have a hard time activating his base here in Colorado this time around. Colorado’s medical cannabis program is saving tax dollars spent on a failed cannabis prohibition program and generating new taxes that are being used to educate Colorado’s children and provide for the general welfare of its citizens.
If REPUBLICAN, use this instead. This might also be used with democrats.
Colorado is saving the tax money spent on a failed cannabis prohibition program and is generating millions in new taxes that are being used to educate Colorado’s children and provide for the general welfare of its citizens. Like other herbal medicines, medicinal cannabis is a substance that can and should be regulated by Colorado under the 10th amendment. This ensures that local communities and states have the opportunity to decide for themselves how they want to regulate the product rather than being dictated to by the federal government.
I respectfully request that you ask Mr. Walsh to stop this unwarranted attack on the right of Colorado to effectively regulate an industry operating wholly within the state of Colorado. Please protect our community from the overreach of the U.S. Attorney’s office.
Sincerely yours,
FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO SIGN A LETTER, consider this as your closing paragraph:
Regrettably, I choose not to sign this letter out of fear of reprisal from the federal government. It is a sad day for our republic when Colorado citizens following Colorado law cannot exercise their right to openly seek redress of grievances from the U.S. Government.